Yup ari ni je dah dua entry kan. Aku sgt2 bosan then suddenly wondering why don't I just share some of our collection with you guys.
 Collections that are memorable for us. 
Yeah mesti korang ckp mcm 'ek eleh ape ni cerita psl korang nih' but aku xkesah. Just nk share n mane la tahu kalu korg tiba2 berminat nak ade photoshoot mcm ktorg jgk kan?
Seronok tahu tak! ;p
You are most welcome!
Ok You can judge it by urself. I'm telling You the truth. ;)
Here u go.

Those yg bwh ni photoshoot kami kat pdg golf sekitar tmpat kami je. 
Mmg xde org lgsg time tuh pakcik2 golf sume mcm tahu2 je kitorg nk guna pdg tuh so diorang xdtg main hari tu. hehehe.. 
Suke sgt photoshoot time nih sbb sgt natural n dpt pic seperti yg diidamkan.
Tapi gambar2 ni xde la hebat mane pon don't expect more! It was just for fun and gambar2 nih dah lama gila before kitorang create team NANOLENSA. So skill belum ada. Hehe

Ok end of golf story.
Here gambar2 lain yg korang boleh tengok.
Kami menawarkan perkhidmatan fotografi terbaik for all types of weddings, events, convocation, modeling, corporate, group, custom album design and anything that U want to have. We'll be there InsyaAllah ;)

Ni masa kami sampai di puncak broga hills, Semenyih. 
Korang pernah pegi x? ohhh U should! 
View tersangat lah cantik xdapat diungkap dgn kata2. 
Sampai2 puncak, peluh2, panas, masak pulak maggi cili api. Perghh masak lidah tahan pedas!

Ni pulak time surprise birthday party untuk Jannah. Yang gigit sudu tu.hahaha love u dear

Ok this is one of our photoshoot.
Dalam kebun! 
Cantik sgt.
Kebun ni belakang rumah FARA je sbnarnye.

And this is fara. hehehehe

Oh ya by the way, our first wedding job punye custom album dah siap. Yeay!
Baru hantar cuci semalam so InsyaAllah kami akan post kat sini bila dah siap.
Rasa2 nye dlm 2 minggu kot.
Tunggu taw.
Harap-harap korang suke dgn hasil kerja kami. ;)
tu jeeeeeeee
Salams! <3